Hungarian Vizsla Inu

Your loyal friend in crypto


Hungarian Vizsla Inu - Your loyal friend in Crypto

indoex exchange

The European IndoEx Exchange is ranked among the top 20 digital exchanges in the world. Within the exchange, you can trade with HVI-USDT and HVI-XRP pairs. They have 1-million users worldwide and they processed over 20-million transactions every year.

HVI trading was launched on the site on 20 September 2021.

INDOEX guide


Welcome to our Indoex user guide, with lots of useful information! We hope it will give you confidence and help you in the long run when using crypto exchanges. The exchanges are based on similar principles and the platforms are very similar, so by understanding one, trading will be easier on another. We want to provide you with a hand to help you learn and understand how to use the platforms.

The video was made by József Trapp, member of the HVI team.

Your Loyal Friend in Crypto