Hungarian Vizsla Inu

Your loyal friend in crypto

Introduction to Crypto

Hungarian Vizsla Inu - Your Loyal Friend in Crypto



We have received a number of questions from you, mainly on our social media platforms,
asking for advice on buying-selling tokens, profit realisation, trading and similar technical
topics. We are not investment advisors, but we thought we’d help our Holders and future
Holders new to the world of crypto by clarifying some basic concepts. First and foremost,
we would like to thank you all for supporting us and the mission of HVI. Without this
fantastic community, we would not be where we are and we would not be overflowing with
plans for the future of the HVI! However, the future of the project is not only dependent on
us and our development, but also very much dependent on you, so we would like to say a
few words to you.

However, we need to make it clear that we are not financial advisors and this article does not constitute any financial advice. It is for educational purposes only.

What can we expect after a listing on a digital exchange?

Look at the case of Hotbit, for example. Hotbit is a relatively small digital exchange, yet it boasts more than two million users. The pre-listing purchases led to a significant increase in the HVI market price. Generally speaking, after a major increase, investors are keen to realise some profits, so they start selling. In order to manage our investments properly, it is important to understand what liquidity means for a cryptocurrency. The term liquidity is commonly used in financial markets to describe how easily an asset can be converted into cash. For cryptocurrencies, liquidity is the ability of a coin to be easily converted into cash or other coins. A low level of liquidity means that market volatility is present, causing a spike in the price of the cryptocurrency. High liquidity, on the other hand, means that the market is stable with little price volatility. This is why it is easier to buy or sell cryptocurrencies in a liquid market, as buy or sell-orders are filled more quickly due to the larger number of participants. Essentially, this means that in the fast moving cryptocurrency markets, it is possible to enter or exit a trade at any time.
Banks hold liquid collateral that can be liquidated. In other words, a portion of the total deposits must be available for withdrawal. This is limited to a few percent, even OTP (the national bank of Hungary) barely above 10% and other commercial banks way below that. What does this mean? If more than 10% of the investors were to claim their deposits, the Bank would probably be in danger of bankruptcy.

What are the similarities with the HVI?

Currently PancakeSwap handles this type of collateral. This coverage is constantly being strengthened. In the case of HVI, it is around 5% of the total value (market cap), which is considered absolutely stable for cryptocurrencies.

What happens if everyone wants to "liquidate" at the same time?

PancakeSwap drastically reduces the market price by up to 80-90% to protect capital.

How can I realise a lot and still make a profit?

Instead of taking out all at once, taking out small percenteges continuously on a daily basis, that does not affect the market price. This means roughly $500-1000/day in withdrawals.

As a Holder, why am I better off this way?

The investment stays at a realistic value and the market price does not collapse. After all, it is pointless to have 100 thousand USD if after realising 10 thousand, the remaining is worth barely 5-10 thousand USD.

What would happen if I were to realise the profit in one transaction?

The market price would fall, panic selling would start and the value of the Token could plunge. At the same time, the progress rate of the token could decrease, meaning that the development of the project could slow down dramatically.

If this were to happen, could the liquidity of the token recover?

We have a lot of developments in store for you regardless of a drop in the market price, or even an increase in the market price. However, a price drop with a panic sell could slow things down considerably. Because internationally, the perception of a project is not only determined by the development and the activity of the dev team, but also by the strength of the community. If the market sees a significant part of the community “selling” the project in the event of “mooning”, it will be perceived as a failure. Then, even with serious developments and announcements, it is difficult to regain the trust of serious investors.

Our current achievements are due in large part to our cohesive community. Your faith in the project and your support is exemplary and unique within the Crypto community. We are doing everything we can to make the project a success, working shoulder to shoulder to make all our dreams come true. If you, my fellow vizsla holder friends, stand with us, the project can achieve much, much greater success, which means all of our holders can profit more from it. Please, follow along on this special journey. Together we can save even more little paws, making their lives happier, and our lives more special. Saving a single paw can change the whole world!

Your Loyal Friend in Crypto