Hungarian Vizsla Inu

Your loyal friend in crypto

NFT Market A-Z

Hungarian Vizsla Inu - Your Loyal Friend in Crypto

Guide to the NFT market

NFT tokens (e.g. media files) are uniquely identified devices that can be uniquely identified using the blockchain. A token assigns a serial number to a given media file, which is stored on the blockchain along with the properties associated with the media file, which can then be made unique. In theory, each NFT token is unique, identified by its serial number and its contract.

For each NFT, it is possible to define at the time of creation the purpose for which it is to be used, to make it special or unique. Once the images have been deployed, i.e. created and “attached” to the blockchain, their data and parameters cannot be changed. The properties of NFTs are called metadata in the crypto world.

How can we imagine this in the simplest way?

It’s like when you buy a second-hand car and you have to put all the data you need to know about the car on the title deed, and then every single change of ownership since the car was manufactured is now indelibly and transparently recorded on the deed.

Another notable feature of NFTs is that they are available in limited quantities, so creators, for example, can very well limit the number of copies issued, even increasing their value, since what is available in small quantities tends to be of higher value to people.
A third important feature of NFTs is that such tokens are mostly indivisible, (there are already divisible NFTs) so unlike other coins or tokens such as bitcoin or HVI, they cannot be divided into small parts.

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Your Loyal Friend in Crypto