Hungarian Vizsla Inu

Your loyal friend in crypto


Hungarian Vizsla Inu - Your Loyal Friend in Crypto

Future Plans and Objectives

We open a new world with crypto

„Incubation program” - Advisor services

  • Pure contract and tokenomics construction and help.
  • Creation of marketing strategy.
  • Local and international marketing sponsorship, relationship creating and support.
  • Social media group creation help and partial maintenance.
  • Discounted Exhchange listings.
  • Weekly/Monthly briefings.
  • Legal help. (Hungary)
  • Guaranteed milestone providing (pl.: CG, CMC, exchange, international articles).
  • Many services packages (pl.: silver, gold, diamond).
  • Transparency guarantee (both teams), official contract between projects. (Hungary)
  • HVI Token value-addig: The fee of the services will go directly into the built-in mechanism of the supported contract in a form of HVI token buy & burn procedure.
  • HVI Token as reward or pool can also be supported. 

„Ambassador program”

  • Building up an International scale team with representatives of different nations. The team members can directly speak and negotiate with local medias and group so he or she can spread our presence more efficiently.
    /Local news appearances, social media group handling, sponsorship activities, information share etc./
  • Gathering and managing /retail, charity, non-governmental organizations, celebrities, influencers etc./

Future Plans and Objectives

Future plans

Raising our charitable activities to an international level

  • Physical donations countrywide, post-funding and normal funding.
  • HVI Team Roadshow in the countries /Initially Hungary then Europe later on an intercontinental scale/
  • Guinness record attempt.
  • Its aim is to raise awareness at the local level in different countries and to make our activities tangible.

New(sub)project / Token launch

  • Equipped with a payment function
  • With minimized transaction costs
  • HVI token would be part of the “investment fund” /reward, ecosystem under construction/
  • Creating our Own Blockchain (Minable Coin)
    Based on the needs that have been arising, we will look at the possibilities in 2022 and, if so, we will realize this in the future, if we see its real market relevance and the added value that will pay for the time and energy invested in it, short term.
  • Purchase of mining machinery from token revenue and a reward system financed from its profits.

Hungarian vizsla inu

Altcoin Season has Started

- We open a new world with crypto -

Your Loyal Friend in Crypto